Year 2020, Volume 66 Issue 3 (30.09.2020)

Year : 2020
Volume : 66
Issue : 3 (30.09.2020)
Authors : Zvonko ANTUNOVIĆ, Ðuro SENČIĆ, Željka KLIR, Krunoslav ZMAIĆ, Danijela SAMAC and Josip NOVOSELEC
Abstract : Recently, in the Republic of Croatia an increase in organic farming was observed. The aim of this paper is to present the state and perspectives of organic livestock farming development in Croatia during recent five years. There has been an increase in the number of organic farmers by 114% and the number of organic processors by 52.28%. The used agricultural land decreased by 1.54%, while the land under organic production in total used agricultural land increased, which is 6.94%. Areas sown with crops important for organic livestock feeding increased the most for rapeseed and green forage from arable land and gardens and a decrease was observed in oats. The largest increase regarding livestock was in the number of Equidae and sheep and goats, while the only decrease was observed in poultry. The largest increase was also found for sheep meat, beef and pork, while in dairy production the largest increase was in goat milk, as well as production of cheese. Expansion of organic production is observed in the recent five years in Croatia. This contributes to the growing interest in organic production, as indicated by increases in the analyzed indicators in the organic livestock sector
For citation : Antunović, Z., Senčić, Ð., Klir, Ž., Zmaić, K., Samac, D., Novoselec, J. (2020): Organic livestock farming in Republic of Croatia- state and perspective development. Agriculture and Forestry, 66 (3): 7-13
Keywords : organic livestock farming; the Republic of Croatia; state and perspectives of development
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