Year 2019, Volume 65 Issue 1 (31.03.2019)

Year : 2019
Volume : 65
Issue : 1 (31.03.2019)
Authors : Fatmir FAIKU, Liridon BUQAJ, Arben HAZIRI
Abstract : Phytochemicals and antioxidant activity were analysed to the extracts of aerial part of Teucrium chamaedrys (L.) plant growing wild in Peja (Western part of Kosovo) in two different altitude levels (790 m and 520 m). In extracts were analysed the total phenols and flavonoids by spectrophotometric methods. Total phenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and were in the range of 21.45 mg/g (in altitude of 790 m) to 237.51 mg/ g in altitude of 520 m (expressed as gallic acid equivalent, mg GAE/g).The amounts of flavonoids in the extracts of Teucrium chamaedys (L.) were in the range of 11.85 mg/g (in altitude of 520 m) to 84.50 mg/g in altitude of 790 m (expressed as rutin equivalent, mg RU/g). Antioxidative activity was determined in vitro by using the DPPH test. Experimental values are expressed as IC50 values (μg/mL), and they shows that the tested extracts have high antioxidant activities, which range in scope from 18.40 μg/mL (in altitude 790 m) to 264.22 μg/mL (in altitude 520 m).
For citation : Faiku, F., Buqaj, L., Haziri, A. (2019): Phytochemicals and antioxidant study of Teucrium chamaedrys (L.) plant. Agriculture and Forestry, 65 (1): 137-145. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.65.1.14
Keywords : Teucrium chamaedrys (L.), phenols, flavonoids, antioxidant activity
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