Year 2017, Volume 63 Issue 2 (30.06.2017)

Year : 2017
Volume : 63
Issue : 2 (30.06.2017)
Authors : Alexandru-Claudiu DOBRE, Cristian ANGHELUS, Gabriel NEDEA, Diana SILAGHI, Serban CHIVULESCU
Title : The correlation between DBH and the height of some flood plain stands from natural park „Lunca muresului''
Abstract : On the background of climate changes, in the last period concerns regarding the forest vegetation have increased due to its role in improving the effects of these climatic changes. The stands from meadow have a great importance because they represent habitat and food source for a large variety of living beings. In the last decade, the occupied surface with these types of ecosystem decreased. Research on the influence towards diminishing of these areas is the main purpose of the paper. The research objectives refer to capturing the relationship between main variables of the trees: diameters and heights. Following research was highlighted a strong relation between those two variables, both through graphical representation and through the values of correlation coefficients (0.69-0.93). The mathematical relationships used in the description of these correlative links caught very well the stands structure, fact indicated by the standard error values (0.05-3.18). In the case of oak stand, regarding the distribution on variation coefficient of heights in relation with diameters, it has been noticed a greater stability around the d50, reference diameter for h50height, from uneven aged stands. This aspect supports the theory from literature, according to which the stands, subject to selection cuttings, the reference diameter of height indicator is 50 cm.
For citation : Dobre A., Anghelus C., Nedea G., Silaghi D., Chivulescu S., (2017) The correlation between DBH and the height of some flood plain stands from natural park „Lunca muresului”, Agriculture and Forestry, 63 (2): 39-48. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.63.2.03
Keywords : Meadow forests, uneven-aged forests, oak from meadow, DBH-height relationship, Mures Natural Park
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