Year 2016, Volume 62 Issue 1 (31.03.2016)

Year : 2016
Volume : 62
Issue : 1 (31.03.2016)
Authors : Miroslav ČIZMOVIĆ, Ranko POPOVIĆ, Mirjana ADAKALIĆ, Biljana LAZOVIĆ, Tatjana PEROVIĆ
Abstract : Morphological characteristics of flowers and flowering were studied in three main pomegranate varieties grown in Montenegro: 'Slatki barski', 'Šerbetaš' and 'Dividiš meke kore'. The varieties grown in three different locations: Dobra Voda and Tomba in the Bar coastal area, and in Golubovci area near Podgorica, were represented with five trees per locality. Results on dynamics of forming and falling of flowers and fruits are presented in the paper. The maximum length and width of a flowers in all varieties was at hermaphroditic type of flower (4.75 cm), a statistically significantly higher compared to the other two categories examined. Hermaphroditic type of flower has a statistically significantly longer pestle (13.58 mm), while the shortest in functionally male-type 3.93 mm. There was a highly significant correlation between the length of the pistil and diameter of a flower (r = 0.8022 **), as well as the length of the flower (r = 0.7042 **). Functionally male type of flower had in average the highest number of stamens (320), which is in the function of production of a sufficient amount of pollen and better fertilization, and the lowest was registered in hermaphrodite flower type (272). Pomegranate flowering lasted from two to almost three months in the cultivars 'Šerbetaš' and 'Slatki barski' from Dobra Voda in 2004 and 2003 respectively. The highest number of flowers per fruiting shoot was in variety 'Dividiš meke kore' (36.1) at locality Balabani in 2002. The lowest number of flowers (8.25) was formed in 'Šerbetaš' variety in 2004. Flowering maximum in the varieties grown in localities Tomba and Balabani was in the first half of June, while in Dobra Voda delayed in average 7-10 days, due to the climatic conditions in the orchard located at higher altitude.
For citation : Čizmović, M., Popović, R., Adakalić, M., Lazović, B., Perović, T. (2016): CHARACTERISTICS OF FLOWERING AND FRUIT SET OF MAIN POMEGRANATE VARIETIES (Punica granatum L.) IN MONTENEGRO. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (1): 83-90. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.10
Keywords : pomegranate, Punica granatum L, flowering, falling of fruits
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