Year 2015, Volume 61 Issue 4

Year : 2015
Volume : 61
Issue : 4
Authors : William HAMILTON, Gary BOSWORTH, Eric RUTO
Abstract : In this paper we investigate the “Young Farmer Problem” in Europe with a specific focus on how it applies in England. The paper is intended as a discussion paper and represents a forerunner to a more comprehensive study of the raw Farm Business Survey data conducted through a Phd. Recent reforms of the European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have specifically targeted young farmers for increased support; with young farmers being seen as more innovative, entrepreneurial and amenable to change. Furthermore, the EU has stated that the “generational renewal” of agriculture is critical for the long term viability of the sector. This paper investigates the business performance and entrepreneurial behaviour of younger farmers in England through empirical analysis of Farm Business Survey (FBS) data, and finds some evidence to support the notion of higher levels of performance among younger farmers. Farmers in the 35 - <45 years age group showed consistently higher levels of overall productivity, profitability and investment. Additionally, the results show that younger farmers demonstrate consistently higher levels of engagement with agri-environment schemes. This study concurs with the findings of Zagata and Sutherland (2015) in the need to improve targeting on the basis of age specifically in order to isolate the under 40 age group which is the focus of European policy and in the need to separate new entrants from inheritors in the assessment of young farmers; an objective which necessitates the analysis of raw data and the conduction of original research within the topic area. This paper and, importantly, the original research which will be conducted through the accompanying Phd will address the fifth research objective of the Research platform proposed by Zagata and Sutherland (2015) to test the characterisation of young people and new entrants to farming, as entrepreneurial innovators sympathetic to and amenable with the goals of the CAP
For citation : Hamilton, W., Bosworth, G., Ruto, E. (2015): ENTREPRENEURIAL YOUNGER FARMERS AND THE “YOUNG FARMER PROBLEM” IN ENGLAND. Agriculture and Forestry, 61(4): 61-69.
Keywords : Young farmers, Young Farmer Problem, Entrepreneurship, CAP, England
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