Year 2014, Volume 60 Issue 1
Year : | 2014 |
Volume : | 60 |
Issue : | 1 |
Authors : | Belul GIXHARI, Sonia DIAS, Bari HODAJ, Hairi ISMAILI, Hekuran VRAPI |
Abstract : | The geographic distribution of some fruit trees species in Albania using a database of 515 geo-referenced observations, including all 21 currently known fruit trees species, was analyzed. Geo-referenced observations of fruit tree species occur in 11 Counties of Albania, but 54% of the observations are from Elbasan, Tirana and Dibra Counties. A grid of 25 × 25 km cells was used to asses’ diversity and richness of species. To include all species at least once, 33 grid cells were selected. Spatial analysis of species richness clearly shows that Elbasan, Tirana and Dibra counties were areas of high diversity. In these counties the highest number of species (respectively 14; 13 and 12 species) was observed. For all grid cells selected the summarized results on diversity indices and richness estimators were: Richness (S) 21, Margalef index 3,20; Menhinick 0,93; Shannon 2,62; Simpson index of diversity 0,91; Brillouin index 2,54. Grid cells situated in Elbasan, Tirana and Berat counties appears to be the areas with the highest potential fruit trees species diversity and with the most potential priority areas for in situ conservation. New alleles were also contributed by additional areas (Berat and Tirana) that contain respectivelly 3 and 4 new species (or alleles). Most delimitated factors to the potential distribution of each species seems to be precipitation of driest month in north-eastern part of Albania, and maximum temperature of warmest month for central Albania, and precipitation of driest month for south part of Albania. |
For citation : | Belul GIXHARI, Sonia DIAS, Bari HODAJ, Hairi ISMAILI, Hekuran VRAPI (2014): GEO-INFORMATION ANALYSIS OF FRUIT TREES SPECIES IN ALBANIA. Agriculture & Forestry,Vol. 60. Issue 1: 63-74, Podgorica |
Keywords : | GIS tools; geographic distribution; species richness, diversity indices |
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