Volume 52, Issue 1-4

Volume : 52
Issue : 1-4
Authors : Tina VOLK, Miroslav REDNAK and Emil ERJAVEC
Abstract : This paper describes and analyses the changes in the Slovenian agro-food sector for the period of 1992-2006, with an emphasis on the years after 2000 in the light of accession to the European Union (EU). The accession has not caused any major difficulties in Slovenian agriculture as a whole. This outcome can be attributed to the fact that the objectives and mechanisms of Slovenian agricultural policy were gradually brought into line with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) during the pre-accession period. Therefore, the adoption of the CAP on accession largely meant a continuation of the measures pursued under the national agricultural policy, but with more funds for agricultural support. The agricultural income remained at a relatively high level compared with the previous years and the analyses of the main factors determining income revealed a continuation of trends typical for the period after 1999 – a slightly upward trend in the agricultural output volume, a downward trend in the producer prices for agricultural products, and an intense upward trend in subsidies for farmers. The most evident changes that could be attributed directly to the EU accession may be observed in the agro-food trade. Slovenia is traditionally a net food importer. However, abolishing customs protection on imports from the EU and a rise in the customs duties levied on exports to third-world countries after the accession, has increased the trade deficit to the highest level so far. Trade was somewhat reoriented from other countries to EU Member States, especially on the export side. Opening up the market after the accession increased the competitive pressure on the food industry and the business performance of the sector deteriorated significantly. The Slovenian agro-food chain is faced with some important challenges. The problem of the relatively poor competitiveness of the sector has not yet been solved, and comprehensive structural changes and adjustments are still needed.
For citation : Tina VOLK, Miroslav REDNAK and Emil ERJAVEC: EX-POST EU ACCESSION EFFECTS ON THE AGRO-FOOD SECTOR - THE CASE OF SLOVENIA. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol 52. (06) (1-4): 61-83, 2012, Podgorica
Keywords : agriculture, agricultural policy, EU accession
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