Editorial staff of The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry" : Lydia PEREVEDENTSEVA (RUS)


General Information






Professor of the Botany and Plant Genetics


Perm State National Research University
Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany and Plant Genetics



+7 919 4804181



Addresses (Street No):


Addresses (Street):

Bukireva st.

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Addresses (Country):

Russian Federation


Date of birth
27th of December, 1948
• Perm State Teachers’ Training University, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, 1971.
• Postgraduate course – Institute of Plants and Animals Ecology, the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Science of USSR, Sverdlovsk, 1978
Academic degrees and titles
• Candidate of Biology, 1981, Institute of Plants and Animals Ecology, the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Science of USSR.
• Doctor of Biology (special subject 03.00.24 – mycology), 1999 г, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
• Associate Professor, 1990.
• Professor, 2001.
Stages of the professional career
• Senior laboratory assistant, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the Botany Department of the Perm State Teachers’ Training University.
• Since 2003 – professor of the Botany and Plant Genetics Department at the Perm State National Research University.
Membership in academic senates and other state and public organizations

• Member of the Study, Use and Conservation of Agarics Committee (at the Russian Botanical Society);
• Member of the Coordinating Board of Mushrooms Biota and Ecology Study (Institute of Forest at the Russian Academy of Science);
• Research tutor of the Department of Plant Resources at VNIIOZ, Kirov;
• Member of the Botany and Plants Ecology Thesis Board (Perm State National Research University).
Scientific projects supervision
1. RFBR 1995-1996. № 95-04-11485а. Subject : «Agarics of the Perm Territory».
2. Grant by the Nature Preservation Committee at the Perm Region Administration – 1996.
Present scientific work
The subject of scientific research is Biota and Ecology of Agarics of the Perm Territory. At present about 900 species and intraspecific taxa of agarics are known. Researches cover almost all the administrative and natural regions.
The structure of ecological groups of mushrooms connected with autotrophic plants: mycorrhiza-forming mushrooms, xylotrophs, litter and humus saprotrophs, etc., is defined; their distribution on various geobotanical districts of the Region and their meaning for forest ecosystems are shown. Edible, poisonous, medicinal mushrooms are revealed, as well as rare species included into the Red Book of the Perm Territory.
Changes of the mycobiota in 10 types of the south taiga subarea (Dovryansky administrative region) and disturbed communities (Chernyaevsky woodland park, gas route section from Yamburg to Tula in Dobryansky region, outskirts of the synthetic cleansing agents factory and Sylva poultry farm) are being monitored. Processes accompanying anthropogenic transformation of mycobiota are being studied. Bioindicative significance of mycology indices in the environmental quality estimation is being clarified.
Academic and other awards
Title «Soros Associate Professor», 1997.
Honorary scholar of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, 2006.
Total published works: 156.




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