International projects managed by Velibor Spalevic (2001-2015)

EUD Task Manager for Environment 2013-2014:

1.    Upgrade of the sewage system in municipality of Niksic
2.    Support to Environmental Management
3.    Improvement of waste management in Danilovgrad
4.    Energy Development Strategy
5.    Environmental Alignment and Solid Waste Management (supply, LOT 1)
6.    Environmental Alignment and Solid Waste Management (supply, LOT 2)
7.    Environmental Alignment and Solid Waste Management (service)
8.    Preliminary design for Berane WWTP
9.    Preliminary design for Plav WWTP
10.    Upgrading the Pljevlja waste water treatment
11.    Raising environmental awareness
12.    Supply of IT equipment for EPA
13.    Supply of portable field equipment for elementary physical and chemical analysis of soil, water and noise monitoring
14.    Drafting Legal Documents in the Field of Communal Services and Waste Management
15.    Support to ERA in Economic Regulation of Energy Sector
16.    TA for preparation of ToR for IPA 2012 - Strengthening the environmental protection system in Montenegro (NEAS)
17.    Development of National climate change strategy by 2030
18.    Developing sustainable energy use, IPA 2011
19.    Suport to preparation of projects for IPA component III, IPA 2011
20.    Strengthening the Environmental protection system in Montenegro
21.    Optimal use of energy and natural resources and mitigating natural disaster effects (Service)
22.    Optimal use of energy and natural resources and mitigating natural disaster effects (Call for proposals)

EUD/EAR Task Manager for Agriculture and Rural Development (2001-2010):

IPA 2010
23.    Support for Capacity Building in Forestry Sector (preparation phase 2009-2010)
24.    Strengthening the administration capacity of the Phytosanitary Directorate of MNE (2009-10)

IPA 2009
25.    Sustainable management of marine fisheries (service) (2009-2010) / policy & harmonization
26.    Sustainable management of marine fisheries (supply) (2009-2010)
27.    Sustainable management of marine fisheries (works) (2009-2010)

IPA 2008

28.    IPA 2008 Rural Development (preparation 2008) / policy & harmonization
29.    Development of a Food Safety Services (service) / policy & harmonization
30.    Equipment for Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
31.    General Laboratory Equipment for the Food Safety Services
32.    IT equipment for the Food Safety Services
33.    Vehicles for the Food Safety Services
34.    Control and Eradication of Rabies and Class. Swine Fever (service) / policy & harmonization
35.    Control and Eradication of Rabies in Montenegro (supply)
36.    Control and Eradication of Classical Swine Fever in Montenegro (supply)

IPA 2007
37.    Animal identification and registration (I&R) - Phase II (service) / policy & harmonization
38.    Printed products (supply)
39.    Hardware (supply)
40.    Equipment for the Animal identification system for small ruminants, Software
41.    Ear tags for Animal Identification and Registration - Phase II (supply)
42.    TA for the Evaluation of "Dev. of Food Safety Services" and "Control of Rabies and CSF " (FWC)
43.    TA to the Food safety authorities of MNE for the preparation of ToR for IPA 2008 TA project (FWC)
44.    Preparation of ToR for IPA 2008 project: Control and eradication of rabies and CSF in MNE (FWC)
45.    TA to the Fishery administration of MNE for the preparation of ToR for the TA IPA 2009 (FWC)

CARDS 2006
46.    Supply of Vehicles for the Animal Identification unit (supply)
47.    Supply of the Ear Tags & Pliers and Printed Products for an EU compliant I&R system, Lot 1
48.    Supply of the Ear Tags & Pliers and Printed Products for an EU compliant I&R system, Lot 2
49.    Programming and upgrading of rural development in Montenegro (FWC)
50.    Development of the Food Safety services in Montenegro (FWC) / policy & harmonization

CARDS 2005
51.    Rehabilitation of Food Safety Laboratories, Podgorica (works)
52.    Development and Implementation of an Animal Identification System (service)
53.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 1
54.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 2
55.    Supply of the Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 3
56.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 4
57.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 5
58.    Audit & Valuation of EAR Counterpart Funds 2006 (FWC)
59.    Legal Advice to the EAR on recovery related to "Modernization of Equip. in the Dairy Sector" project
60.    Animal Identification and Registration (I&R) - Phase II (FWC) / strategy, policy & harmonization
61.    Development of the Food Safety Services in Montenegro (FWC) policy & harmonization
62.    Strengthening of the Fishery Sector in SCG (FWC) / strategy, policy & harmonization
63.    Support to the Fishery Sector (service)
64.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 1 (supply)
65.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 2 (supply)
66.    Supply of Equipment for Fishery Inspectorates in Montenegro and Serbia, Lot3 (supply)
67.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 4 and Lot 6 (supply)
68.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 5 (supply)
69.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 7 (supply)

CARDS 2004
70.    Equipment for Secondary Vocational School, Lots 3 & 4 (supply)
71.    Equipment for Secondary Vocational School, Lots 5, 6 & 7 (supply)
72.    Strategy of development of the MNE Agriculture and Rural areas in compliance with CAP of EU
73.    Audit and Valuation of EAR counterpart funds 2005 - Montenegro (FWC)

CARDS 2003
74.    Strengthening of Veterinary and Phytosanitary Services TA (service) / policy & harmonization
75.    Supply of Phytosanitary equipment to Plant Protection Department (supply)
76.    Construction of Veterinary Laboratory Building, Podgorica (works)
77.    Supply of Equipment to the Phytosanitary Inspectorate of Montenegro (supply)
78.    Equipment & Vehicles to the Phytosanitary Inspectorate, Lot 2 (supply)
79.    Supply of Vehicles for the Veterinary Services (supply)
80.    Equipment & Vehicles to the Phytosanitary Inspectorate, Lot 4 (supply)
81.    Supply of IT Equipment for the Veterinary services (supply)
82.    Monitoring of Dairy Sector Projects (FWC) / Monitoring of the Revolving fund

83.    Kolasin - Katun Project (works)
84.    Kolasin - Cabins Furnishing for the Katun Project (supply)
85.    Strengthening of the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Services (FWC) / policy & harmonization

86.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector (service) / Establishment of the Revolving fund
87.    Supply of Equipment to Dairy Enterprises (Lot 2,3,4) (supply)
88.    Supply of Equipment to Dairy Farmers - Lot 1 &3 (supply)
89.    Supply of Equipment to Dairy Farmers - Lot 2 (supply)
90.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 1 (supply)
91.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 2 (supply)
92.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 3 (supply)
93.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 4 (supply)
94.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 5 & 6 (supply)
95.    Monitoring of Dairy Sector Projects (FWC) / Monitoring of the Revolving fund
96.    Water Catchments (works)
97.    Sketch Project for the new dairy plant Podgorica (FWC)
98.    TA Livestock Expert (FWC)

99.    Cattle import (follow up, ex post evaluation) / Monitoring and Evaluation of the Revolving fund


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