Velibor Spalevic, Biografija i bibliografija

Dr.Sc. Velibor Spalević
docent na Univerzitetu Crne Gore
naučni saradnik Univerziteta u Beogradu


Velibor Spalević je rođen 1. jula 1970. godine u Ivangradu, Crna Gora, gdje je kao nosilac diplome »Luča« završio osnovnu školu i Beransku gimnaziju.

Diplomorao je juna 1995. na Poljoprivednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, odsjek za melioracije zemljišta.

Postdiplomske studije upisao je 1995. godine na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, a tezu pod naslovom »Primjena računarsko-grafičikh metoda u proučavanju oticanja i intenziteta erozije zemljišta u Beranskoj kotlini« odbranio aprila 1999. godine.

Doktorsku disertaciju iz oblasti nauke o zemljištu i fizičko-geografskih istraživanja Polimlja odbranio je 11. jula 2011. godine na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, te na taj način stekao zvanje doktora nauka.

U više navrata (34) boravio je na kraćim i dužim stručnim usavršavanjima u inostranstvu iz oblasti poljoprivrede, menadžmenta i zaštite životne srednine, projektnog menadžmenta, među kojima su najvažniji:
- decembar 2017: "Cours sur les bassins versants", Béni Mellal, Maroko;
- maj 2015: "Research design: A focus on DELPHI method and Social Network Analysis", Slovenija;
- april 2013: "Water footprint application for water resources management in agriculture" Italija;
- mart 2013: "Watershed Management and Soil and Water Conservation", Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), Austrija;
- novembar 2010: "Combating Desertification in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones", Izrael;
- maj 2010: "Certified Project Management", Evropska komisija, Luksemburg;
- oktobar 2005: FAO trening program "Combating Land Degradation", Italija;
- maj 2005: "Rural development", Brisel, EU;
- avgust-oktobar 2004: "Young Scientists Program", Cornell University, USA, obuka pod mentorstvom Prof. dr Harold van Es-a, predsjednika Društva za proučavanje zemljišta Amerike (President of the Soil Science Society of America);
- februar-mart 2001: "Watershed Management and Soil and Water Conservation", Izrael;
- Brojne druge obuke organizovane od strane Evropske komisije (2001-2010) u Belgiji, Grčkoj, Luksemburgu, Italiji, Iranu, Izraelu, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Srbiji, Makedoniji, Hrvatskoj, Azerbejdžanu, Bosni i Hercegovini na teme: Watershed Management, Cross-cutting issues; Environmental Mainstreaming; Selection/Interviewing Techniques; Training on Anti-corruption policy; Framework Contract Training; Gender Equality; Media Techniques; Project Cycle Management, Evaluation and Monitoring.

Služi se engleskim jezikom. Otac Lane i Nađe Spalević.


Radni odnos zasnovao septembra 1995. godine u administraciji lokalne uprave Opštine Berane.

Na predlog tadašnjeg Sektora za nauku Crne Gore, novembra 1995, prešao je na Biotehnički institut Univerziteta Crne Gore, gdje je 1999. izabran u zvanje viši istraživač.

Jula 2001. sa Univerziteta je, od strane Evropske agencije za rekonstrukciju (EAR), sporazumno preuzet da kao pomoćnik šefa kancelarije Evropske agencije za rekonstrukciju (EAR) i Senior Task Manager, rukovodi projektima Evropske komisije, implementiranih u Crnoj Gori, dio projekata i u Srbiji. Septembra 2008. godine sporazumno prelazi u Delegaciju Evropske komisije, gdje je zadržao isti portfolio kao i na prethodnoj poziciji. Do danas rukovodio sa 105 međunarodnih projekata finansiranih od strane EU (2001–2010; 2013–2015), sa godišnjim fondom od 3 do 18 miliona evra. U tom periodu iz dijela sredstava navedenih projekata rekonstruisne su laboratorije Biotehničkog fakulteta (BTF), Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta (PMF) i Instituta za biologiju mora (IBM) Univerziteta Crne Gore, a njihove službe sukcesivno su dobijale programe obuka u zemlji i inostranstvu, kao i laboratorijsku opremu i vozila (ukupna vrijednost podrške: 3,5 miliona €).

U periodu 2010–2013. po dogovoru sa tadašnjim rukovodstvom BTF-a, da bi završio doktorski rad, iz kancelarije Delegacije Evropske komisije vraća se na Univerzitet Crne Gore i uključuje se na projekte Biotehničkog fakulteta, radeći pri tom ekspertize iz oblasti nauke o zemljištu, erozije/konzervacije zemljišta; uporedo radeći kao jedan od eksperata na FP7 projektu „AgriSciMont"; te kao jedan od BTF istraživača na AMF IPA Adriatic projektu Evropske komisije; zatim kao međunarodni ekspert na SWG/GIZ projektu „Jačanje regionalne saradnje upravljanja vodnim resursima u slivovima jugoistočne Evrope".

Po zaključenju projekata / ugovornih obaveza na Biotehničkom fakultetu, u periodu 2013–2014, ponovo radi za Delegaciju EU kao Task Manager za oblast životne sredine, energetike i klimatskih promjena.

Po završetku doktorata (2011.), na zahtjev Katedri za proučavanje zemljišta (2013.), te dalje predlog Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, odlukom Komisije za sticanje naučnih zvanja Ministarstva prosvjete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, stekao je naučno zvanje naučni saradnik za oblast melioracija zemljišta (procedura za izbor u zvanje viši naučni saradnik u toku – 2018.).

Od septembra 2014. do oktobra 2015. godine radi kao vodeći istraživač na Institutu za šumarstvo Crne Gore, a uporedo sa tim je bio i predsjednik borda direktora istog Instituta (2014–2016). Paralelno sa redovnim aktivnostima na Institutu, kao međunarodni ekspert angažovan je na projektu iz oblasti erozije zemljišta finasiranom od strane EU: Preparation of the main design for rehabilitation of the landslide on road embankment at border crossing point in Dobrakovo in Montenegro.

U period od februara 2016. godine pa do sada direktor je međunarodne organizacije IFAD projektnog/program tima u Crnoj Gori (International Fund for Agricultural Development, sjedište u Rimu), koji implementira set projekata iz programa Uspostavljanja klastera i transformacije ruralnih područja Crne Gore (Rural Clustering and Transformation Project - RCTP), vrjednog 13.6 miliona USD (2017–2021), fokusirajući se na pitanja razvoja poljoprivrede planinskog područja Crne Gore, ekonomskog i ruralnog razvoja, analizu ruralne politike, u kontekstu specifičnih crnogorskih prilika.

Od 2018. godine stalno je zaposlen je kao profesor (docent) na Odsjeku za geografiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore; ranije, u periodu 2016–2017, 2015–2016. Bio angažovan kao gostujući profesor na Odsjeku za geografiju Filozofskog fakulteta UCG (predmeti: Geografija zemljišta, Biogeografija, Geoinformatika, Pejzaži u geografskoj sredini, Menadžment u životnoj sredini); prethodno, 2013–2014, kao saradnik asistirao i na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore.

U 2016. godini bio je jedan od osnivača i urednik (Managing Editor) časopisa »AGROFOR International Journal« ( Do kraja 2013. godine bio glavni i odgovorni urednik časopisa »Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo« ( Volume 51-59 za 2005–2013, kourednik za sveske 60-61 (2014–2015); ranije (periodu 1995–2001) obavljao poslove tehničkog urednika, potom generalnog sekretara istog časopisa.

Trenutno aktivno učestvuje u radu sledećih međunarodnih časopisa: "Eurasian Journal of Soil Science" (ISSN: 2147-4249) Scientific Editor; "Spanish Journal of Rural Development" (ISSN: 2171-1216), Scientific Committee; "Malaysian Journal of Soil Science" (ISSN: 1394-7990), Editorial board Member; „Пермский аграрный вестник" (ISSN 2307 - 2873), Editorial board Member; "Ecologica Montenegrina" (ISSN: 2336-9744), The Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture (Print ISSN 1843-5254; Electronic ISSN 1843-5394); Editorial board Member; "Educa" (ISSN: 2303-7342), Editorial board Member, "Tokovi", član redakcije.

Registrovani je recenzent sledećih tzv. vrhunskih (među prvih 30%), istaknutih (svrstanih među prvih 30% do 50%) i međunarodnih časopisa: "Global and Planetary Change" (ISSN: 0921-8181); "Journal of Water and Land Development" (ISSN 1429-7426); "Land Degradation & Development" (ISSN: 1099-145X); "International Journal of Sediment Research", (ISSN: 1001-6279); "CATENA" (0341-8162); "Journal of African Earth Sciences" (ISSN: 1464-343X); "ECOPERSIA" (ISSN: 2322-2700); "Malaysian Journal of Soil Science" (ISSN: 1394-7990); "Natural Hazards" (ISSN: 0921-030X); "Agriculture and Forestry" (ISSN 0554-5579). Studijski recenzent: LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, Orléans, Francuska.

Član organizacionih odbora sledećih međunarodnih konferencija:
- 2nd International Congress Urban Environment Health, 16-20 April 2018, Cappadocia;
- The 6th Edition of the international congress "Water, Waste and Environment" in December 2017 in Béni Mellal, Morocco;
- International conference “40 years of horticulture education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2017”, Faculty of Horticulture at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary, Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017;
- The 3rd World Conference of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, 2016;
- The 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym", 2016, 2015, 2014. & 2013;
- International Eco-Conference® and Eco-Conference on Safe Food, 2016, 2015, 2014;
- The 9th Congress of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015;
- The 2nd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food, Macedonia, 2015;
- The International Conference on Soil, Albania, 2015;
- The International conference: Challenges in modern agricultural production, Macedonia, 2014;
- The First International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, 2013;
- International symposium for agriculture and food, University "SS. Cyril and Methodius", Macedonia, 2012;
- The Role of Research in Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas, Montenegro, 2012;
- Convener of the Special session: Modeling of Soil Erosion of the 5th EUROSOIL International Congress, Turkey, 2016;
- Generalne skupštine geonauka Evrope (European Geosciences Union – EGU General Assembly, Committee Member, Subdivision: Soil, Environment and Ecosystem Interactions, 2015, 2016.

Član je Svetske organizacije konzervacije zemljišta i voda (World Association for Soil and Water Conservation, WASWAC); Udruženja geonauka Evropre (European Geosciences Union, EGU); Međunarodnog uruženja nauke o zemljištu (International Union of Soil Sciences, IUSS); Balkanske asocijacije za životnu sredinu (Balkan Environmental Association); Nacionalnog udruženja za vodoprivredu Irana (Watershed Management Society of Iran); Makedonskog nacionalnog komiteta za navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje (The Macedonian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage); Društva za proučavanje zemljišta Srbije; Crnogorskog geografskog društva.

Istraživač sa preko 230 naučnih rezultata publikovanih u sledećim časopisima: "Land Degradation & Development", "SpringerPlus", "Austrian Journal of Forest Science", "Archives of Biological Sciences", "Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca", "Malaysian Journal of Soil Science", "Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift (AFZ) der Wald", "Humid Substances in Ecosystems", "Journal of Forestry Faculty of the Kastamonu University", "Acta Agriculturae Serbica", "Acta biologica Iugoslavica", "Archive of Agricultural Sciences", "Natura Montenegrina", "Medical essays", "Agriculture and Forestry", "Forestry".

Do sada održao predavanja po pozivu, plenarna i kao uvodničar (Key note Speaker / Preliminary Speaker) na sledećim međunarodnim konferencijama:
- 2017, Preliminary Speaker, Congress "Water, Waste and Environment" 12-14 December 2017, Béni Mellal, Morocco;
- 2017, Extra programme: Cours sur les bassins versants, Par Velibor Spalević, Congress "Water, Waste and Environment" 12-14 December 2017, Béni Mellal, Morocco;
- 2017, Sustainable Ecological-Economic modelling at the Watershed scale in the Balkan Watersheds (Key note speaker). The 8th International Agriculture Symposium "AgroSym 2017", Jahorina, 5-8 October 2017, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- 2017, 16th International Symposium” Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, Rumunija (Key note speaker);
- 2017, "40 Years of Horticulture Education" special event Faculty of horticulture Cluj Napoca, 26-27 septembar 2017 (Key note speaker);
- 2017, Velibor Spalević (Key note Speaker), Goran Barović, Duško Vujačić, Augusto César Ferreira Guiçardi, Ronaldo Luiz Mincato, Paolo Billi, Paul Sestras, Goran Škatarić: The Assessment of the Soil Erosion and Runoff in the Sekularska River Catchment, Northeast Montenegro. 14th International Congress of Soil Science Society of Serbia (nekadašnje Jugoslovensko društv za proučavnje zemljišta): “Solutions and Projections for Sustainable Soil Management”, Soil Science Society of Serbia and Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad, 25-28th September 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- 2013, Velibor Spalević (Key note speaker), Jan Nyssen, Milić Čurović, Tom Lenaerts, Annelies Kerckhof, Klaas Annys, Jeroen Van den Branden, Amaury Frankl: Тhe impact of land use on soil erosion in the river basin Boljanska Rijeka in Мontenegro. 4th International Symposium “Agrosym 2013” (3-6 October, 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia.

Mentor (Mlađen Jovnović, Velibor Spalević) doktorantu Dušku Vujačiću na doktorskim studijama Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, oblast geonauka: Problematika erozije zemljišta u 30 slivova Crne Gore, Srbije i Irana.

Kopromoter (komentor) terenskih istraživanja studentima geografije Gent University (Belgija): Klaas ANNYS, (PhD research, MSc thesis), Jeroen VANDENBRANDEN (MSc thesis); Annelies KERCKHOF (MSc thesis); Tom LENAERTS (MSc thesis).

Kopromoter (komentor) istraživanja Master studentu Federal University of Lavras, Department of Soil Science, Lavras (Brazil): Pedro VELOSO GOMES BATISTA.

Ko-supervisor (komentor) studentima koji po modelima: Surface and Distance measuring (Spalevic, 1999), River Basin (Spalevic, 1999), IntErO (Spalevic, 2011) izvode naučna istraživanja u Brazilu: MSc student André Silva Tavares; MSc student Augusto César Ferreira Guiçardi; MSc student Natanael Rodolfo Ribeiro Sakuno, Ministério da Educação, Universidade Federal de Alfenas / UNIFAL-MG, Programa de Pós-graduação – Ciências Ambientais, Brazil.

Statistika (mart 2018.):

Google Scholar
Citiranost: 941 (2013-2018: 897)
h-index: 18 (2013-2018: 16)
i10-index: 34 (2013-2018: 33)

RG Score: 32.54
90% ResearchGate
h-index: 17

Bibliografija (mart 2018)



Spalevic, V., Latinovic, J. (2015): Academician Milorad Mijuskovic 1922-2011; Alternative title: Spomenica akademik Milorad Mijuskovic 1922-2011; Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts [Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti], p1-60; 30 cm; Podgorica. Serial: [Spomenica preminulim članovima Akademije] / Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti].  
Chapter on the Monograph
Barovic, G., Spalevic, V., Pesic, V., Vujacic, D. (2018): The Physical and Geographical Characteristics of the Lake Skadar Basin. Chapter of the Monograph: Skadar Lake Environment. Editors: V.P, G.K. Springer International Publishing AG (in press).
Spalevic, V., Čurović, M., Povilaitis, A., Radusinović, S. (2003): Estimate of Maximum Outflow and Soil Erosion in the Biogradska River Basin. Monographs No1, p. 1-20. Biodiversity of the Biogradska Gora National Park; Urednici: Pešić, V., Karaman, G., Spalevic, V., Jovović, Z., Langurov, M. Odsjek za biologiju Prirodnomatematičkog fakulteta, Univerzitet Crne Gore; Podgorica.  
Medarević, M., Čurović, M., Cvjetićanin, R., Spalevic, V., Dubak, D. (2003): Structural Characteristics of Mixed Forests of Spruce, Beech And Fir in the National Park Biogradska Gora. Monographs No1, p.20-29. Biodiversity of the Biogradska Gora National Park; Urednici: Pešić, V., Karaman, G., Spalevic, V., Jovović, Z., Langurov, M. Odsjek za biologiju Prirodnomatematičkog fakulteta, Univerzitet Crne Gore; Podgorica.  

Papers published in the International Journals (SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI, SCOPUS)
Kavian, A., Gholami, L, Mohammadi, M., Soraki, M, and Spalevic, V. (2018): Application of Wheat Residual Amounts on Soil Erosion Processes. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Not Bot Horti Agrobo, CiteScore: 0.65; SJR: 0.261; SNIP: 0.616): 46(2): xxx-xxx.
Brajuskovic, M., Brajuskovic, D., Mijanovic, D. and Spalevic, V. (2018): Indicators of the Regional Differences in the Ageing Population of Montenegro. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017 - Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 19(1): xxxx-xxxx.
Markoski, M., Barovic, G., Mitkova, T., Tanaskovic, V. and Spalevic, V. (2018): Contents of Exchangeable Cations of the Soils formed upon Limestones and Dolomites. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017 - Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 19(1): xxxx-xxxx.
Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Khaledi Darvishan, A., Gholami, L., Jovanovic, M. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Calculation of Sediment Yield using the “River Basin” and “Surface and Distance” Models: A Case Study of the Sheremetski Potok Watershed, Montenegro. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18(3): 1193-1202.
Mijanovic, D., Brajuskovic, M., Vujacic, D. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Causes and Effects of Aging of Montenegrin Population. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18(3): 1249-1259.
Andjelkovic, A., Ristic, R., Janic, M., Djekovic, V. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Genesis of Sediments and Siltation of the accumulation "Duboki Potok" of the Barajevska River Basin, Serbia. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18(4): 1735-1745.
Sestras, P., Bondrea, M., Cetean, H., Salagean, T., Bilasco, S., Nas, S., Spalevic, V., Fountas, S., Cimpeanu, S (2018): Ameliorative, Ecological and Landscape Roles of Fãget Forest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Possibilities of Avoiding Risks Based on GIS Landslide Susceptibility Map. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Not Bot Horti Agrobo, CiteScore: 0.65; SJR: 0.261; SNIP: 0.616): 46(1): 292-300.
Spalevic, V., Lakicevic, M., Radanovic, D., Billi, P., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Sestras, P., Khaledi Darvishan, A. (2017): Ecological-Economic (Eco-Eco) modelling in the river basins of Mountainous regions: Impact of land cover changes on sediment yield in the Velicka Rijeka in Montenegro. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Not Bot Horti Agrobo, CiteScore: 0.65; SJR: 0.261; SNIP: 0.616): 45(2):602-610.
Fikfak, A., Spalevic, V., Kosanovic, S., Popovic, S., Djurovic, M., Konjar, M. (2017): Land Use Development of Vineyards Areas in Goriska Brda, Slovenia. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Not Bot Horti Agrobo, CiteScore: 0.65; SJR: 0.261; SNIP: 0.616): 45(2):611-622.
Kisic, I., Bogunovic, I., Birkas, M., Jurisic, A., Spalevic, V. (2017): The Role of Tillage and Crops in the Existence of the Soil. Archiv fur Acker und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde - Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (ARCH ACKER PFL BODEN: CiteScore: 0.86; SJR: 0.442; SNIP: 0.696): ISSN 0365-0340 (Print), 1476-3567 (Online). 63 2017 (3): 403-413.
Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Spalevic, V. (2017): The River Network of Montenegro in the GIS Database. Kartografija i geoinformacije, KiG 27(16): 44-60.
Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Fikfak, A., Kosanovic, S., Djurovic, M., and Popovic, S. (2016): Sediment yield and Land use changes in the Northern Montenegrin Watersheds: Case study of Seocki Potok of the Polimlje Region. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (J ENVIRON PROT ECOL: CiteScore: 0.66; SJR: 0.250; SNIP: 0.631): 17 (3): 990–1002.
Djekovic, V., Milosevic, N., Andjelkovic, A., Djurovic, N., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., and  Spalevic, V. (2016): Channel morphology changes in the River Pestan, Serbia. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (J ENVIRON PROT ECOL: CiteScore: 0.66; SJR: 0.250; SNIP: 0.631): 17 (3): 1203–1213.
Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Kanwar, R., Kheng Heng, L., Markoski, M. and Spalevic, V (2016): Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency of Pepper as Affected by Irrigation аnd Fertilization Regime. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Not Bot Horti Agrobo, CiteScore: 0.65; SJR: 0.261; SNIP: 0.616): 44(2):525-532. DOI:10.15835/nbha44210415
Kerckhof, A., Spalevic, V., Van Eetvelde, V., Nyssen, J. (2016): Factors of land abandonment in mountainous Mediterranean areas – the case of Montenegrin settlements (Received: 18 July 2015, Accepted: 30 March 2016), SpringerPlus (CiteScore: 1.02; SJR: 0.394; SNIP: 0.511): (ISSN: 2193-1801, Online). DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2079-7
Frankl, A., Lenaerts, T., Radusinovic, S., Spalevic, V., Nyssen, J. (2016): The regional geomorphology of Montenegro mapped using Land Surface Parameters. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie - Annals of Geomorphology (Z GEOMORPHOL: CiteScore: 0.77; SJR: 0.385; SNIP: 0.391):, 60/1: 21–34. DOI: 10.1127/zfg/2016/0221

Djurovic, N., Domazet, M., Stricevic, R., Pocuca, V., Spalevic, V., Pivic, R., Gregoric, E., and Domazet, U. (2015): Comparison of Groundwater Level Models based on Artificial Neural Networks and ANFIS systems (submitted: May 2015). Hindawi Publishing Corporation, The Scientific World Journal (CiteScore: 0.88; SJR: 0.315; SNIP: 0.466): Volume 2015, Article ID 742138, 13 pages.
Annys, K., Frankl, A., Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Borota, D., Nyssen, J. (2014): Geomorphology of the Durmitor Mountains and surrounding plateau Jezerska Povrs (Montenegro). Journal of Maps (J Maps: CiteScore: 1.35; SJR: 0.596; SNIP: 0.787): Vol. 10, Issue 4: 600-611. Publisher Taylor & Francis Group
Simunic, I., Spalevic, V., Vukelic-Shutoska, M., Sosaric, J., Markovic, M. (2014): The impact of the water deficit in the soil on crop yield. Hrvatske Vode (CiteScore: 0.22; SJR: 0.194; SNIP: 0.167): 09/2014; 22(89): 203-212.
Nyssen, J., Van Den Branden, J., Spalevic, V., Frankl, A., Van De Velde, L., Čurović, M. and Billi, P. (2014): Twentieth century land resilience in Montenegro and consequent hydrological response; Land Degradation and Development (LAND DEGRAD DEV: CiteScore: 5.46; SJR: 2.113; SNIP: 2.232): Volume 25, Issue 4, pages 336–349, July/August 2014. Publisher John Wiley & Sons (ISSN 1085-3278). Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2143.
Spalevic, V., Djurovic, N., Mijovic, S., Vukelic-Sutoska, M., Curovic, M. (2013): Soil Erosion Intensity and Runoff on the Djuricka River Basin (North of Montenegro). Malaysian Journal of Soil Science (CiteScore: 0.24; SJR: 0.155; SNIP: 0.197): Vol. 17: p.49-68. ISSN: 1394-7990.
Čurović, M., Medarević, M., Pantić, D., Spalevic,V. (2011): Major types of mixed forests of spruce, fir and beech in Montenegro; Centralblatt für das gesamte Forstwesen - Austrian Journal of Forest Science (CiteScore: 0.61; SJR: 0.176; SNIP: 0.501): (ISSN: 0379-5292), Vol. 128, Heft 2; p. 93-111.
Čurović, M., Danijela Stešević, Medarević, M., Cvjetićanin, R., Pantić, D. and Spalevic, V. (2011): Ecological and structural characteristics of monodominant montane beech forests in the National Park Biogradska Gora; Archives of Biological Sciences (CiteScore: 0.46; SJR: 0.232; SNIP: 0.374): (ISSN: 0354-4664. eISSN: 1821-4339); Vol. 63, issue 2; p.429-440; Belgrade.

Coauthored (SCI, SSCI, SCOPUS) with: 37 co-authors
Curovic, Milic (5), Nyssen, Jan A N (4), Frankl, Amaury (3), Djurović, Nevenka L J (2), Medarević, Milan J. (2), Pantić, Damjan S. (2), Vukelic-Sutoska, Marija (2), Annys, Klaas (1), Billi, Paolo (1), Birkás, Márta (1), Bogunovic, Igor (1), (Borota, Dragan (1), Cukaliev, Ordan (1), Cvjeticanin, Rade (1), Domazet, Milka (1), Domazet, Uros (1), Gregorić, Enike (1), Heng, Lee K. (1), Juriic, Aleksandra (1), Kanwar, Rameshwar S. (1), Kerckhof, Annelies (1), Kisic, Ivica (1), Lenaerts, Tom. (1), Markoski, Mile (1), Markovic, Monika (1), Mijovic, Spiro. (1), Pivic, Radmila (1), Pocuca, Vesna (1), Radusinovicc, Slobodan (1), Simunic, Ivan (1), Sostaric, Jasna (1), Stesevic, Danijela (1), Stricevic, Ruzica (1), Tanaskovik, Vjekoslav (1), Van Den Branden, J. (1), Van De Velde, Liesbeth (1), Van Eetvelde, Veerle (1),  

Papers published at the International Congresses, Symposiums, Seminars

Spalevic, V., Radanovic, D., Skataric, G., Billi. P., Barovic, G., Curovic, M., Sestras, P., and Khaledi Darvishan A. (2017): Ecological-economic (eco-eco) modelling in the mountainous river basins: Impact of land cover changes on soil erosion. Agriculture and Forestry, 63 (4): 9-25. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.63.4.01 (Key note paper, presented at the 8th International Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2017", Jahorina, 5-8 October 2017, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Spalevic, V. (2017): Sustainable Ecological-Economic modelling at the Watershed scale in the Balkan Watersheds: Impact of the establishment of seed potato production on sediment yield. Key note paper. The 6th International Congress "Water, Waste and Environment" 12-14 December 2017, Béni Mellal, Morocco.

Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Spalevic, V. (2017): Condition of Natural Resources of the Regional Park Dragišnica and Komarnica with the Assessment of their Sustainable Valorization. The Book of Abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM7, Sutomore, Montenegro, p. 145.

Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Spalevic, V. (2017): Physical - geographical Characteristics of Lower Zeta, The Book of Abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM7, Sutomore, Montenegro, p. 167.

KhaledI Darvishan, A., Behzadfar, M., Spalevic, V., Kalonde, P., Ouallali, A., El Mouatassime, S. (2017): Calculation of Sediment Yield in the S2-1 Watershed of the Shirindareh River Basin, Iran. The Book of Abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM7, Sutomore, Montenegro, p. 174.

Moteva, M., Spalevic, V. (2017): Land Consolidation in Bulgaria – Useful Foreign Lessons in Efficient Land-Use Management. The Book of Abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM7, Sutomore, Montenegro, p. 179.

Mondeshka., M., Moteva, M., Karanov, A., Spalevic, V., Yarlovska, N. (2017): Developing Ecosystem Indicators for Characterization of the Water Budged Processes and Assessment of the Conditions in the Agroecosystems. The Book of Abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM7, Sutomore, Montenegro, p. 181.

Kalonde, P., Spalevic, V., Mgwira, S. (2017): The Assessment of the Soil Erosion and Runoff in Katete river Catchment. Malawi. The Book of Abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM7, Sutomore, Montenegro, p. 182.

Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Jovanovic, M., Behzadfar, M., Simunic, I., Markoski, M., Tanaskovik, V. (2017): Computing the Sediment Delivery using the River Basin Model: A case study of the S5-1 Catchment of the Shirindareh Watershed, Iran. 3rd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Moteva, M., Srdjevic, B., Markoski, M., Savic, R., Taparauskiene, L., Ondrasek, G., Spalevic, V., Nechkovski, S. (2017): Dynamics of Soil Moisture Content in different Irrigation and Fertigation Techniques of Pruned Pepper. 3rd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Markoski, M., Mitkova, T., Tanaskovik, V., Spalevic, V. (2017): Content of Humus of the Soils formed upon Limestones and Dolomites. 3rd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Andjelkovic, A., Ristic, R., Janic, M., Djekovic, V. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Genesis of Sediments and Siltation of the accumulation "Duboki Potok" of the Barajevska River Basin, Serbia. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017

Brajuskovic, M., Brajuskovic, D., Mijanovic, D. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Indicators of the Regional Differences in the Ageing Population of Montenegro. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017

Markoski, M., Barovic, G., Mitkova, T., Tanaskovic, V. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Contents of Exchangeable Cations of the Soils formed upon Limestones and Dolomites. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017

Mijanovic, D., Brajuskovic, M., Vujacic, D. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Causes and Effects of Aging of Montenegrin Population. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017

Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Khaledi Darvishan, A., Gholami, L., Jovanovic, M. and Spalevic, V. (2017): Calculation of Sediment Yield using the “River Basin” and “Surface and Distance” Models: A Case Study of the Sheremetski Potok Watershed, Montenegro. International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Conference: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, 25th -27th May, 2017

Spalevic, V., Behzadfar, A., Tavares, A. S., Moteva, M., Tanaskovik, V. (2016). Soil loss estimation of S7-2 catchment of the Shirindareh watershed, Iran using the river basin model. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 1. Issue No. 1. pp. 113-120. DOI:10.7251/AGRENG1601113S. 7th International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, 06-09 October 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Moteva, M., Spalevic, V. (2016). Towards a new concept for the agricultural land-use planning in the new socio-economic conditions in Bulgaria. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 1. Issue No. 1. pp. 76-85. DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG1601076M. 7th International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, 06-09 October 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Darvishan, A., K., Gholami, L., Ghorghi, J. H., Spalevic, V., Kord, A., K., Amini, H., M. (2016). Effect of exclosure on runoff, sediment concentration and soil loss in erosion plots. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 1. Issue No. 1. pp. 49-57. DOI:10.7251/AGRENG1601049D. 7th International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, 06-09 October 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Moteva, M., Kostadinov, G., Spalevic, V., Georgieva, V., Tanaskovik, V., Koleva, N. (2016): Sweet Corn - Conventional Tillage vs. No-tillage in Humid Conditions. 7th International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, 06-09 October 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Spalevic, V., Moteva, M., Markoski, M. (2016): Effects of Irrigation and Fertilization on the Number of Formed Flowers and Fruits sets in Pruned Pepper. 7th International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, 06-09 October 2016, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Batista, P.V.G., Darvishan, A.K., Behzadfar, M., Tanaskovik, V. (2016): Calculation of sediment yield at the S1-4 catchment of the Shirindareh Watershed of Iran using the Erosion Potential Model. The Third World Conference of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation: New challenges and strategies of soil and water conservation in the changing world sustainable management of soil and water resources. August 22-26, 2016, Belgrade/ Serbia.

Spalevic, V. Moteva, M., Tavares, A.S., Guicardi, A.C.F, Sakuno, N.R.R, Batista, P.V.G., (2016): Assessment of sediment yield in the river basin of the Uvezacki Potok of Montenegro. The Third World Conference of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation: New challenges and strategies of soil and water conservation in the changing world sustainable management of soil and water resources. August 22-26, 2016, Belgrade/ Serbia.

Spalevic, V., Al-Turki, A. M., Barovic, G., Silva, M. L. N., Djurovic, N., Souza, W.S., Batista, P.V.G, and Curovic, M. (2016): Modeling of Soil Erosion by IntErO model: The Case Study of the Novsicki Potok Watershed of the Prokletije high mountains of Montenegro. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 18, EGU2016-13864, 2016. EGU General Assembly 2016.

Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Mijanovic, D., Curovic, M., Tanaskovic, V., and Behzadfar, M. (2016): Calculation of Sediment yield at the S 7-4 catchment of the Shirindareh Watershed of Iran using the River Basins model. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 18, EGU2016-6673, 2016. EGU General Assembly 2016.

Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Mijanovic, D., Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Tanaskovic, V., and Djurovic, N. (2016): Modeling and analysis of Soil Erosion processes by the River Basins model: The Case Study of the Krivacki Potok Watershed, Montenegro. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-17225, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016.

Barovic, G.,Vujacic, D. Spalevic, V., (2015): Kartografska prezentacija prostornih odnosa, Međunarodna naučna konferencija: Društvo i prostor – Society & Space, 25. i 26. Septembar 2015. Filozofski fakultet Novi Sad. ISBN 978-86-81319-06-2 (SSD)

Darvishan, A.K., Derikvandi, M., Aliramaee, R., Spalevic, V., Behzadfar, M (2016): Efficiency of IntErO Model to Predict Soil Erosion Intensity and Sediment Yield in Khamsan Representative Watershed (West of Iran). The 5th EUROSOIL International Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

Batista, P. V. G., Silva, M. L. N., Curi, N., Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Behzadfar, M. (2016): Application of the IntErO erosion model in the Mortes River Basin, Brazil. The 5th EUROSOIL International Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

Curovic, M., Medarevic, M., Spalevic, V., Borgogno, E., and Motta, R. (2015): Forest type classification in the National Park of Biogradska Gora by integrating satellite images, digital geographical data and field measurements. 5th International Scientific Conference Environmental and Material Flow Management - EMFM2015, 05-07 November 2015, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Draganic, J., Drobnjak, B., Campar, J., Bulajic, B., Zajovic, V., Behzadfar, M. and Spalevic, V. (2015): Calculation of Sediment yield using the IntErO Model in the S1-3 Watershed of the ShirinDareh River Basin, Iran. 9th Congress of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 23rd – 25th of November 2015, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Draganic, J., Silva, M. L. N., Avanzi, C. J., Kisic, I. and Spalevic, V. (2015): Soil Loss Estimation using the IntErO Model in the S1-2 Watershed of the ShirinDareh River Basin, Iran. 9th Congress of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 23rd – 25th of November 2015, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Barovic, G., Florijancic, T., Boskovic, I., Kisic, I. (2015): Assessment of Sediment Yield in the Tronosa River Basin of Montenegro. The 9th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH. October 18-23, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Spalevic, V., Lenaerts, T., Nyssen, J., Radusinovic, S., Frankl, A. (2015): A regional geomorphological map of Montenegro prepared from land surface parameters. Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 10/2015

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Tunguz, V., Djurovic, N. (2015): Soil erosion in the River Basin of Provala, Montenegro. Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 10/2015.

Ali M. Al-Turki, A.M., Ibrahim, H.M., Spalevic, V., (2015): Impact of land use changes on soil erosion intensity in Wadi Jazan watershed in southwestern Saudi Arabia. Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 10/2015

Barovic, G. and Spalevic, V. (2015): Calculation of runoff and soil erosion intensity in the Rakljanska Rijeka Watershed, Polimlje, Montenegro. The 6th International Symposium Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, 15-18 October 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Vujacic, D., Spalevic, V. (2016): Assessment of Runoff and Soil Erosion in the Radulicka Rijeka Watershed, Polimlje, Montenegro. The 6th International Symposium Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, 15-18 October 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (2): 283-292.

Gazdic, M., Pejovic, S., Vila, D., Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Djurovic, N., Tanaskovikj, V., and Spalevic, V. (2015): Soil erosion in the Orahovacka Rijeka Watershed, Montenegro. The 6th International Symposium Agrosym 2015, Jahorina, 15-18 October 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Milivojevic, S., Spalevic, V., Vujacic, D., Barovic, G. (2015): Conditions for the initiation of motion and transport of sediment in torrential watercourses. Books of Proceedings, p. 2034-2043. Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium Agrosym 2015. DOI 10.7251/AGSY15052034D

Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Spalevic, V. (2015): Cartography in Hydrology – Hydrology in Cartography. 6th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro - isem6. Ulcinj, Montenegro, 15-18 October, 2015.

Spalevic, V., Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Simunic, I., Moteva, M. and Tanaskovik, V. (2015): Soil erosion evaluation in the Rastocki Potok Watershed of Montenegro using the Erosion Potential Method. 2nd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2015, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food – Skopje, 7-9 October, 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Spalevic, V., Frankl, A., Nyssen, J. Curovic, M. and Djurovic, N. (2015): Calculation of soil erosion intensity in the Sutivanska Rijeka Watershed of Montenegro using the IntErO model. 2nd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2015, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food – Skopje, 7-9 October, 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Moteva, M., Taparauskieine, L., Bojan, S., Spalevic, V., Markoski, M., Nechkovski, S. (2015): Bioclimatic coefficient of plastic house grown pepper as influenced by irrigation and fertilization techniques. 2nd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food - ISAF 2015, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food – Skopje, 7-9 October, 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Djurovic, N. (2015): Soil erosion in the River Basin of Kisjele Vode, Montenegro. The International conference: Land Quality and Landscape Processes, Keszthely, Hungary; 06/2015, p 122-126; ISBN 978-92-79-48310-3; ISSN 1018-5593; DOI 10.2788/8694, p1-446.

Moteva, M., Yarlovska, N, Mondeshka, M., Stoeva, A., Simunic, I., Spalevic, V., Tanaskovik, V., Vukelic, M. (2015): Spatial planning as an approach to improving land and water use in the agricultural areas. 6th Croatian Water Conference: Croatian Waters on the Investment Wave, Opatija, Croatia; 05/2015

Vujacic, D., Barovic, G. Spalevic, V.: Ekstremni vodostaji u Donjoj Zeti - uzroci i posledice. Međunarodni naučni skup Zivotna sredina i adaptacija privrede na klimatske promene, Ecologica. 2015; 78: 170-175. ISSN 0354-3285 = Ecologica, COBISS.SR– ID 80263175.

Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Vujacic, D., Bozovic, P., Kalac, I., Nyssen, J. (2015): Assessment of soil erosion in the Susica River Basin, Berane Valley, Montenegro. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania; 4-7 May, 2015.

Spalevic, V., Barovic, G., Mitrovic, M., Hodzic, R., Mihajlovic, G., Frankl, A. (2015): Assessment of sediment yield using the Erosion Potential Method (EPM) in the Karlicica Watershed of Montenegro. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania; 4-7 May, 2015.

Behzadfar, M., Curovic, M., Simunic, I., Tanaskovik, V., Spalevic, V. (2015): Calculation of soil erosion intensity in the S5-2 Watershed of the Shirindareh River Basin, Iran. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania; 4-7 May, 2015.

Spalevic, V., Blinkov, I., Trendafilov, A., Mukaetov, D., Djekovic, V., Djurovic, N. (2015): Soil erosion assessment using the EPM method: A case study of the Ramcina River Basin, Montenegro. International Conference on Soil, Tirana, Albania; 4-7 May, 2015.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Frankl, A., and Nyssen, J. (2015): Assessment of soil erosion at the Brzava small watershed of Montenegro using the IntErO model. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 17, EGU2015-15007, 2015. EGU General Assembly 2015

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Tanaskovic, V., Djurovic, N., Lenaerts, T. and Nyssen, J. (2015): Application of the IntErO model for the assessment of the soil erosion intensity and runoff of the river basin Dragovo Vrelo, Montenegro (invited speaker). Balkan Agriculture Congress, 8-10 September 2014. Edirne, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Special Issue: 1, 2014: 1072-1079. ISSN: 2148-3647.

Barovic, G.,Vujacic, D. Spalevic, V., (2015): Kartografska prezentacija prostornih odnosa, Međunarodna naučna konferencija: Društvo i prostor – Society & Space, 25. i 26. Septembar 2015. Filozofski fakultet Novi Sad. ISBN 978-86-81319-06-2 (SSD).

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Andjelkovic, A., Djekovic, V., Ilic, S.: Calculation of soil erosion intensity in the Nedakusi watershed of the Polimlje Region, Montenegro. 2015; p.200-206. International scientific conference: Challenges in Modern Agricultural Production, December 11, 2014, Skopje, Macedonia. Book of Proceedings, p. 273. Institute of agriculture.ISBN 978-9989-9834-9-8, COBISS.MK-ID 99839242

Behzadfar, M., Djurovic, N., Simunic, I., Filipovic, M. and Spalevic, V.: Calculation of soil erosion intensity in the S1-6 Watershed of the Shirindareh River Basin, Iran. 2015; p.207-213. International scientific conference: Challenges in Modern Agricultural Production, December 11, 2014, Skopje, Macedonia. Book of Proceedings, p. 273. Institute of agriculture. ISBN 978-9989-9834-9-8, COBISS.MK-ID 99839242

Spalevic, V., Tazioli, A. Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., and Djurovic, N. (2014): Assessment of soil erosion in the Lipnica Watershed, Polimlje, Montenegro. The 5th International Symposium “Agrosym 2014”, Jahorina, 23-26 October 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, p 723-729.

Spalevic, V., Hübl, J. Hasenauer, H. and Curovic, M. (2014): Calculation of soil erosion intensity in the Bosnjak Watershed, Polimlje River Basin, Montenegro. The 5th International Symposium “Agrosym 2014”, Jahorina, 23-26 October 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, p 730-738.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Billi, P., Fazzini, M. Frankl, A., and Nyssen, J. (2014): Soil erosion in the Zim Potok Watershed, Polimlje River Basin, Montenegro. The 5th International Symposium “Agrosym 2014”, Jahorina, 23-26 October 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, p 739-747.

Behzadfar, M. Tazioli, A., Vukelic-Shutoska, M., Simunic, I., and Spalevic, V. (2014). Calculation of sediment yield in the S1-1 Watershed, Shirindareh Watershed, Iran. The 5th International Symposium “Agrosym 2014”, Jahorina, 23-26 October 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 60 Issue 4: 207-216, 2014, Podgorica.

Vukelic-Shutoska, M., Simunic, I., Spalevic, V., Radanovic, D. (2014): Water resource Management. 10th Conference on Water Economy and Hydrotechnics, 18-19 September 2014, Struga, Macedonia.

Frankl, A., Annys, K., Spalevic, V., Čurović, M., Borota, D., Nyssen, J. (2014): The impact of the Quaternary glaciations on the Durmitor mountains (Montenegro) as understood from detailed geomorphological mapping. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16. European Geosciences Union (EGU). EGU General Assembly 2014.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M. Tanaskovik, V., Oljaca, M., Djurovic, N. (2013): The impact of land use on soil erosion and run-off in the Krivaja river basin in Montenegro. The First International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, 4th - 6th October 2013, Belgrade–Zemun, Serbia, VI: 1-14.

Oljaca, M., Radojevic, R., Pajic, M., Gligorevic, K., Drazic, M., Spalevic, V., Dimitrovski, Z. (2013): Tracks or wheels – perspectives and aspects in agriculture. The First International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, 4th - 6th October 2013, Belgrade–Zemun, Serbia, III - 9 to 19.

Spalevic, V., Nyssen, J., Curovic, M., Lenaerts, T., Kerckhof, A., Annys, K. Van Den Branden, J., Frankl, A. (2013): Тhe impact of land use on soil erosion in the river basin Boljanska Rijeka in Мontenegro. In proceeding of the 4th International Symposium “Agrosym 2013” (3-6 October, 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia). Key note speakers, p. 54-63.

Lenaerts, T., Nyssen, J., Spalevic, V., Frankl, A. (2013): Regional geomorphological mapping of Montenegro: Landform genesis and present processes. Presented at the 4th International Symposium “Agrosym 2013” (3-6 October, 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia). In proceeding, p. 974-981.

Nyssen, J., Spalevic, V., Lenaerts, T., Kerckhof, A., Annys, K., Van Den Branden, J., Curovic, M., Frankl, A. (2013): Environmental changes throughout the twentieth century in Montenegro. Book of abstracts, pp. 217–217. Presented at the 4th International Symposium “Agrosym 2013” (3-6 October, 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia).

Annys, K., Frankl, A., Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Borota, D., Nyssen, J. (2013): Geomorphological mapping of glacial features in the Durmitor mountains (Montenegro) and implications for palaeoclimates. Book of abstracts, pp. 198–198. Presented at the 4th International Symposium “Agrosym 2013” (3-6 October, 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia).

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Uzen, N., Simunic, I., Vukelic-Shutoska, M. (2013): Calculation of soil erosion intensity and runoff in the river basin of Ljesnica, Northeast of Montenegro. In proceeding of the 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference on Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Simunic, I., Spalevic, V., Vukelic-Shutoska, V., Tanaskovic, V., Moteva, M., Uzen, N. (2013): Climate changes and water requirements in field crop production. In proceeding of the 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference on Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Tanaskovik, V., Pivic, R., Djurovic, N. (2013): Estimation of soil erosion intensity and runoff in the river basin of Bijeli Potok, Northeast of Montenegro. In proceeding of the 1st International Congress on Soil Science, XIII Congress of Serbian Soil Science Society “SOIL – WATER – PLANT”, October, 2013. Belgrade, Serbia.

Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Spalevic, V., Markoski, M., Nechkovski, S. (2013): The effect of irrigation and fertilization techniques on specific water consumption of green pepper crop. In proceeding of the 1st International Congress on Soil Science, XIII Congress of Serbian Soil Science Society “SOIL – WATER – PLANT”, October, 2013. Belgrade, Serbia.

Nyssen, J., Van den Branden, J., Spalevic, V., Frankl, A., Curovic, M., Billi, P. (2012): Land resilience and hydrological response throughout the twentieth century in Montenegro. Conference Role of Research in Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas, Podgorica, Montenegro. Conference abstracts. p.34-34

Curovic, M., Spalevic, V., Medarevic, M. (2012): The ratio between the real and theoretically normal number of trees in the mixed forests of fir, beech and spruce in the national park "Biogradska gora". Conference: Role of research in sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. Podgorica, Montenegro. Conference abstracts. p.58-58.

Spalevic, V., Nyssen, J, Jovanovic, M., Curovic, M., Van Den Branden, J., Djurovic, N., Hadziahmetovic, S., Vukelic Shutoska, M. (2011): Environmental and Agro-economic analysis of some watersheds in the North of Montenegro; Procedings of the conference. Internatioanl conference "Nature protection in XXI Century"; p.935, 20-23 September 2011, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Van den Branden, J., Nyssen, J., Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Zlatic, M., Frankl, A., Gillijns, K., Van De Velde, L., Billi, P. (2010): Land use changes as derived from repeat photography and hydrological response in Montenegro in the 20th century. Belgian Geography Days, 4th, Book of abstracts. p.102-102

Čurović, M., Spalevic, V. (2010): Climate changes impacts on forests in Montenegro-mitigation and adaptation; Međunarodna konferencija - Šumski ekosistemi i klimatske promene; IUFRO; EFI; Institut za šumarstvo; p.283-287, Beograd.

Spalević, V., Čurović M., Povilaitis, A.: Conditions of soil erosion in the Komaraca river basin, North-East of Montenegro. Conference Proceedings „Erosion and Torrent Control as a Factor in Sustainable River Basin Management" - marking 100 years od experance with erosion and torrent control in Serbia, on cd, ISBN: 978-86-80439-07-5, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry Belgrade, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWC), World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER), International Sediment Initiative (ISI) of UNESCO, Beograd. 2007.

Spalevic, V., Seker, G, Fuštić, B, Šekularac, Ristić G. (2003): Conditions of Erosion of Soil in the Drainage Basin of the Crepulja - Lucka River: p. 287-292. International conference, "Natural and Socioeconomic effects of Erosion Control in Mountainous Regions", Banja Vrujci, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade University, World Association of S&W Conservation.

Kuzel, S., Kolar, L., Ledvina R., Spalevic, V. (2001): Transformation of Soil Organic Matter in Mountain and Sub Mountain Regions of Sumava in Comparison with Ceske Budejovice Basin. Humid Substances in Ecosystems 4, p.85 -91. Slovak Agr. Univ. NITRA and Soil Sc- and Conser. Res. Institute Bratislava, Slovakia.

Papers published in the other Journals (International and Leading national):

Sakuno, N.R.R., Kawakubo, F.S., Spalevic, V., Mincato, R.L. (2017): Mapping Impervious Surfaces in Urban Areas Using Index Images Generated From The Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper System. Revista do Departamento de Geografia, Volume Especial – Eixo 9 (2017) 190-198. DOI: 10.11606/rdg.v0ispe.132729

Marangon, F., Servidoni, L.E., Costa, C.W., Spalevic, V., Mincato, R.L. (2017): Land use and groundwater resources potential vulnerability to contamination. Agriculture and Forestry, 63 (1): 5-17.

Servidoni, L. E., Ayer, J. E. B., Silva, M. L. N., Spalevic, V., Mincato, R. L. (2016): Land use capacity and environment services. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 09 (06): 1712-1724.

Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Spalevic, V., Urosevic, M., Lukic, S. (2016): Significance of surface water quality for basin ecology. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (2): 07-28.

Vujacic, D., Spalevic, V. (2016): Assessment of Runoff and Soil Erosion in the Radulicka Rijeka Watershed, Polimlje, Montenegro. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (2): 283-292.

Moteva, M., Spalevic, V., Gigova, A., Tanaskovik, V. (2016): Water use efficiency and yield-dependences for canola (Brassica napus, L.) under irrigation. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (1): 403-413. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.42

Boshev, D., Jankulovska, M., Tanaskovik, V., Ivanovska, S., Spalevic, V., Karakolevski, D. (2016): Assessment of yield and quality of spring barley depending of foliar fertilization. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (1): 269-278. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.30

Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Janic, M., Spalevic, V. (2016): A Study of Flooding in the Kolubara Region in Serbia in May 2014. Forestry [Sumarstvo]. 2016; 67(1-2): 55-78. UDK 630, ISSN 0350-1752.
Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Spalevic, V, Janic, M. (2015): a study of the flooding in Serbia in May 2014. Forestry [Sumarstvo], 2015 (4): 49-66.

Djekovic,V., Andjelkovic, A., Spalevic, V., Barovic, G. (2015): The study of the River Kolubara flooding in Valjevo in 2014. Forestry [Sumarstvo], 2015 (3): 57-74.

Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Spalevic, V, Milivojevic, S., Milosevic, N. (2015): Analysis of the flood in the river basin of the Barajevska River in May 2014. Forestry [Sumarstvo], 2015 (1-2): 31-48.

Barovic, G., Silva, M. L. N., Batista, P. V., G., Vujacic, D., Souza, S. W., Avanzi, J. C., Behzadfar M., Spalevic, V. (2015): Estimation of sediment yield using the IntErO model in the S1-5 Watershed of the Shirindareh River Basin, Iran. Agriculture and Forestry (61): 3: 233-243

Boskovic, I., Ozimec, S., Speranda, M., Sprem, N., Degmecic, D., Curovic, M., Spalevic, V., Florijancic, T. (2015): Morphometric characteristics of the Golden Jackal populations in Eastern Croatia and Eastern Serbia. Agriculture & Forestry, 61 (3): 61-68, Podgorica.

Mitrovic, D., Dubljevic, R., Djordjevic, N., Spalevic, V., Stijepovic, D. (2015): Energy use in Mechanized Production of Silage. Agriculture & Forestry, 61(3): 153-160, Podgorica.

Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Moteva, M., Jankulovska, M., Markoski, M., Spalevic, V., Rusevski, R., Bogevska, Z. and Davitkovska, M. (2015): The influence of irrigation and fertilization regime on some phenological stages and earliness of pruned pepper. Agriculture and Forestry, 61(2): 7-17, Podgorica.

Vujacic, D., Barovic, G., Tanaskovikj, V., Kisic, I., Song, X., Silva, M. L. N. and Spalevic, V. (2015). Calculation of runoff and sediment yield in the Pisevska Rijeka Watershed, Polimlje, Montenegro. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 61 Issue 2: 225-234, 2015, Podgorica.

Markoski, M., Bogevska, Z., Petrov, P., Tanaskovik, V., Davitkovska, M., Spalevic, V. (2015): The impact of foliar nutrition on the yield of beetroot crop grown in high fertility soil. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 61, Issue 2: 235-242, 2015, Podgorica

Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Spalevic, V, Milivojevic, S. (2014): Reconstruction of the flood wave in the source area of the Barajevska River in May 2014. Forestry [Sumarstvo], 2014 (3-4): 103-116.

Tanaskovikj, V., Cukaliev, O., Srdjevic, B., Spalevic, V., Simunic, I., Moteva, M., Mile Markoski, M., Djurovic, N. (2014): The influence of irrigation and drip fertigation regime on specific water consumption and evapotranspiration coefficient in tomato crop production. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 60 Issue 4: 243-254, Podgorica.

Spalevic, V., Railic, B., Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., and Curovic, M. (2014): Calculation of the Soil Erosion Intensity and Runoff of the Lapnjak watershed, Polimlje, Montenegro. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 60. Issue 2: 261- 271.

Blecic, A., Railic, B., Dubljevic, R., Mitrovic, D., and Spalevic, V. (2014): Application of Sapropel in agricultural production. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 60. Issue 2: 243-250.

Spalevic, V., Radanovic, D., Behzadfar, M, Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Milosevic, N. (2014): Calculation of the sediment yield of the Trebacka Rijeka, Polimlje, Montenegro. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 60. Issue 1: 259-272.

Oljača, M., Raičević, D., Ercegović, Ð., Vukić, Ð., Oljača, S. Radojević, R., Zivković, M., Gligorević, K., Pajić, M., Spalevic, V., Ružičić, L. (2014): Aspects of using machinery and tools in contemporary plant production - Marsh soils case. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 60. Issue 1: 39-51.

Spalevic, V., Curovic, M., Simunic, I., Behzadfar, M, Tanaskovic, V. (2014): Land degradation, land use and soil erosion: the case of Montenegro. CIHEAM, The Watch Letter: Land Issues in the Mediterranean Countries Vol. 28, Issue 1: 58-62.

Milosevic, N., Djekovic, V., Andjelkovic, A., Spalevic, V. (2014): Efficiency of wastewater treatment at "Bileca" wastewater treatment plant in the Republic Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina. Forestry [Sumarstvo], 2014 (1-2): 131-147.

Spalevic, V., Grbovic, K., Gligorevic, K., Curovic, M., and Billi, P. (2013): Calculation of runoff and soil erosion on the Tifran watershed, Polimlje, North-East of Montenegro. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 59, Issue 4: p.5-17. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed).

Spalevic, V., Simunic, I., Vukelic-Sutoska, M., Uzen, N., Curovic, M. (2013): Prediction of the soil erosion intensity from the river basin Navotinski, Polimlje (Northeast Montenegro). Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 59, Issue 2: p.9-20. ISSN 0554-5579.

Curovic, M., Spalevic, V. and Medarevic, M. (2013): The ratio between the real and theoretically normal number of trees in mixed fir, beech and spruce forests in the National park “Biogradska gora”. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 59. Issue 1: p.7-17, 2013, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) ISSN 1800-9492 (Online).

Spalevic, V., Mahoney, W., Djurovic, N., Üzen, N. and Curovic, M. (2012): Calculation of soil erosion intensity and maximum outflow from the Rovacki river basin, Montenegro. International conference „Role of research in sustainable developement of agriculture and rural areas“, Podgorica, May 23-26, 2012. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 58. Issue 3: p.7-21, 2012, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) ISSN 1800-9492 (Online).

Oljača, M., Raičević, D., Ercegović, Ð., Vukić, Ð., Radojević, R., Oljača, S., Gligorević, K., Pajić, M. and Spalevic, V. (2012): Special tillage machinery for soils with increased clayey type mechanical composition - marsh soil case. International conference „Role of research in sustainable developement of agriculture and rural areas“, Podgorica, May 23-26, 2012. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 58. Issue 1: p.53-60, 2012, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) ISSN 1800-9492 (Online).

Dragovic, S., Spalevic, V., Radojevic, V., Cicmil, M., Uscmlic, M (2012): Importance of chemical and microbiological water quality for irrigation in organic food production. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 55. (09) (1-4): p.83-102, Podgorica, ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) EISSN 1800-9492.

Spalevic, V., Čurović, M., Borota, D. and Fuštić, B. (2012): Soil erosion in the river basin Zeljeznica, area of Bar, Montenegro. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 54. (08) (1-4): p.5-24, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) ISSN 1800-9492 (Online).

Čurović, M. and Spalevic, V. (2012): Development of spruce trees in mixed forests of spruce, fir and beech (piceeto-abieti-fagetum) on Mt. Ljubišnja. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 53. (07) (1-4): p.11-18, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579; 1800-9492

Nikolić, B., Radulović, M., Spalevic, V., Nenezić, E. (2012): Mulching methods and their effects on the yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.) in the Zeta plain. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 52. (1-4): p.17-33, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579

Čurović, M. and Spalevic, V. (2011): Development of beech trees in mixed forests of spruce, fir and beech (piceeto-abieti-fagetum) on Mt. Ljubišnja. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 51. (1-4): p.5-12, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579; EISSN 1800-9492.

Djukić, D., Mandić, L., Zejak, D., Spalevic, V. (2003): Dynamics of Microbial Activity of the Highly Present Soil Types of Montenegro. Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. VIII, br.15, p.27-40. Faculty of Agronomy, Serbia. ISSN 0354-9542

Povilaitis, A., Spalevic, V. (2000): Comparison of Simulated Nitrogen Balanace under Drained and Un-drained catchments conditions. Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. V, 9, p.11-28, Serbia. ISSN 0354-9542.

Spalevic, V., Dlabac, A., Jovović, Z., Rakočević J, Radunović, M., Spalevic, B., Fuštić, B. (1999): The "Surface and distance Measuring" Program. Acta Agriculture Serbica, Vol IV, 8, p.63-71, Serbia. ISSN 0354-9542.

Spalevic, V., Dubak, D, Fuštić, B, Jovović, Z, Ristić, R. (1999): The Estimate of the Maximum Outflow and Soil Erosion Intensity in the Kaludra River Basin. Acta Agriculture Serbica, Vol.IV, 8, p.79-89. ISSN 0354-9542.

Papers published in the National Journals

Behzadfar, A., Spalevic, M., Veloso Gomes Batista, P., Ouallali, A., Markoski, M., Tanaskovik, V., Spalevic, V. (2016): Sediment yield calculation at the S10-1 River Basin of the Shirindareh River Basin, Iran. Tokovi (The Streams), 2016 (1-2): 159-170.

Stevanovic, P., Popovic, V., Glamoclija Dj., Tatic, M., Spalevic, V., Jovovic, Z., Simic, D., Maksimovic, L. (2016): Influence of Nitrogen fertilization on Soybean nodulation (Glycine max) on Chernozem and Pseudogley. Proceedings of 30th Symposium of Agronomist, Veterinarians, Technologists and Agro-Economists 2016., Volume 22. No 1-2: 67-77. 

Čurović, M., Medarević, M., Spalevic, V. (2004): The ratio between the real and theoretically normal number of trees in the mixed type forests of fir, beech and spruce on the mountain of Ljubišnja, Natura Montenegrina. Vol. 3, p.157-166.

Čurović, Z., Čurović, M., Stesević, D, Spalevic, V. (2004): Autochtonic Dendroflora Of The Parks Of Podgorica, Natura Montenegrina (ISSN 1451-5776), Museum of Nature, Podgorica, Vol. 2 p.19-40.

Jovović, Z., Stesević, Danijela, Momirovic, N., Spalevic, V. (2003): Influence of weed chemical control to number and depth of buds as well as to thickness of tuber peel of various potato varieties. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 49(3-4) p.41-55. ISSN 0554-5579.

Čurovic, M., Knoke, T., Rebolo, A. and Spalevic, V. (2003): Volumenbestimmung in Plenterwaelder; AFZ Der Wald, p.121-123, Vol.3. Deutchland.

Jovović, Z, Spalevic, V., Momirović, N. (2002): Agroecolgical Conditions for Potato Production in the Region of Vrulja, Surrounding of Pljevlja. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 48, (3-4), p.15-29, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed).

Ristić, R., Kostadinov, S., Malošević, D., Spalevic, V. (2001): Erosion aspect in the assessment of soils of hydrologic classes and determination of CN number of runoff curve. Acta biologica Iugoslavica - serija A: Zemljište i biljka. 2001, vol. 50, No 3, p.165-174.

Šoškić, S., Spalevic, V., Kuzel, S. (2001): Analysis of Exploitation Irrigation field in irrigating condition by Sprinkler System on the Cemovsko polje. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 47, Issue 1-2, p.29-37. Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed).

Jovović, Z., Biberdzić, M., Spalevic, V., Mitrovic, D. (2000): Impact of some Herbicides and Their Combinations on Weeds and Yield of seed potatoes. Archive of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 61. No 215: p. 239-254. Belgrade.

Spalevic, V., Dlabac, A., Spalevic, B., Fuštić, B., Popović, V. (2000): Application of Computer-Graphic Methods in Studying the Discharge and Soil Erosion Intensity - I Programme "River Basins". Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 46, Issue 1-2, p.19-36, Podgorica.

Spalevic, V., Spalevic B, Fuštić, B, Popović, V, Jovović, Z, Čurović, M. (2000): Characteristics of Erosion Processes and Proposal of measures of Land Reclamation in Upper Part of the Sekularska River drainage basin. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 46, 3-4, p.15-¬28, Podgorica.

Fuštić, B, Spalevic, V. (2000): Characteristics of Erosion Processes of the drainage Basin of the Dapsic River. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol.46,1-2, p.5-17, Podgorica.

Ðukić, D., Vučinić, Zora, Mandić, L., Spalevic, V., Papić, Tatjana, Nikčević, Svetlana (2000): Spatial and Time Variations in the Number of Fungi in the Air of Vine Orchard. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 46, Issue 1-2, 53-60, Podgorica.

Milin, J., Basić S., Spalevic, V., Hajduković, A., Radunović, M., Bakić, V., Ðorđević, Z. (2000): Prophylactic Impact of Vine Vranac Pro Corde on Genesis of Stress-Reactive Hemorhagic Gastritis of Rats, Medicinski zapisi, 53-54: p.25-34. Podgorica.

Čurović, M., Spalevic, V., Dozić, S., Dubak, D. (1999.): Proposal of Anti Erosion Regulation of Department 17 of Husbandry Unit Rudo Polje-Kovren. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 45, Issue 3-4: p.5-23, Podgorica.

Papers published at the National Congresses, Symposiums, Seminars

Spalevic, V., Vujacic, D., Nikolic, G., Curovic, M., Barovic, G. (2015): Calculation of runoff and erosion intensity of the tributaries of the Lim River in Berane Valley, Montenegro [Proračun oticaja i intenziteta erozije na pritokama Lima u Beranskoj kotlini]. 2nd Conference of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction [II Konferencija Nacionalne Platforme za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa], Podgorica, Montenegro; 26 November 2015.

Fuštić, B., Spalevic, V., Jovović, Z., Čurović, M. (2001): Zemljišta Grblja; „Grbalj kroz vjekove"; p. 663-672. Zbornik radova; Urednici: akademik dr Miroslav Pantić i dr Vesna Vučinić.

Popović, V, Spalevic, V., Brkovic, P. (2000): Impact of Land Use on Pollution of Waters and Upper Course of the Lim River. "Water Protection 2000". 29th Conference of Current Problems of Water Protection. Yugoslav Society for Protection of Waters. p. 123-128. Mataruska Banja, 2000.

Spalevic, V., Fuštić, B, Šoškić, S, Ristić, R (2001): The estimate of maximum outflow and soil erosion in the Vinicka river basin with the application of the computer-graphic methods. X congress of the Yugoslav soil society. V. Banja.

Fuštić, B, Spalevic, V., Šoškić, S (2001): Erosion process in the Bistrica river basin (BA). X congress of the Yugoslav soil society. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Šoškić, S, Spalevic, V. (2001): Water balance of soil on Cemovsko Polje. X congress of the Yugoslav soil society. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Šoškić, S, Spalevic, V. (2001): Water regime in rocky soil, Cemovsko Polje, on condition drip and sprinkler irrigation. X congress of the Yugoslav soil society. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Popović, V, Fuštić, B., Spalevic, V. (2001): Review of agro pedological characteristics of the Republic of Montenegro. X congress of the Yugoslav soil society. V. Banja, Serbia.

Popović, V., Spalevic, V., Petrovic, P. (1999): Influence of torrent sediment on hydroenergetical potential of river Lim - upper flow. Conference: 28. konferencija o aktuelnim problemima zastite voda "Zastita voda '99", p.225-230. Soko Banja 12-¬15 Oct 1999, Publisher: Jugoslovensko drustvo za zastitu voda, Beograd.

Medjunarodni projekti / ugovori kojima je rukovodio Velibor Spalevic (2001-2015)

EUD Task Manager for Environment 2013-2014:

1.    Upgrade of the sewage system in municipality of Niksic
2.    Support to Environmental Management
3.    Improvement of waste management in Danilovgrad
4.    Energy Development Strategy
5.    Environmental Alignment and Solid Waste Management (supply, LOT 1)
6.    Environmental Alignment and Solid Waste Management (supply, LOT 2)
7.    Environmental Alignment and Solid Waste Management (service)
8.    Preliminary design for Berane WWTP
9.    Preliminary design for Plav WWTP
10.    Upgrading the Pljevlja waste water treatment
11.    Raising environmental awareness
12.    Supply of IT equipment for EPA
13.    Supply of portable field equipment for elementary ph and chemical analysis of soil, water and noise monit
14.    Drafting Legal Documents in the Field of Communal Services and Waste Management
15.    Support to ERA in Economic Regulation of Energy Sector
16.    TA for preparation of ToR for IPA 2012 - Strengthening the environmental protection system in MNE
17.    Development of National climate change strategy by 2030
18.    Developing sustainable energy use, IPA 2011
19.    Suport to preparation of projects for IPA component III, IPA 2011
20.    Strengthening the Environmental protection system in Montenegro
21.    Optimal use of energy and natural resources and mitigating natural disaster effects (Service)
22.    Optimal use of energy and natural resources and mitigating natural disaster effects (Call for proposals)

EUD/EAR Task Manager for Agriculture and Rural Development (2001-2010):

IPA 2010
23.    Support for Capacity Building in Forestry Sector (preparation phase 2009-2010)
24.    Strengthening the administration capacity of the Phytosanitary Directorate of MNE (2009-10)

IPA 2009
25.    Sustainable management of marine fisheries (service) (2009-2010) / policy & harmonization
26.    Sustainable management of marine fisheries (supply) (2009-2010)
27.    Sustainable management of marine fisheries (works) (2009-2010)

IPA 2008
28.    IPA 2008 Rural Development (preparation 2008) / policy & harmonization
29.    Development of a Food Safety Services (service) / policy & harmonization
30.    Equipment for Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
31.    General Laboratory Equipment for the Food Safety Services
32.    IT equipment for the Food Safety Services
33.    Vehicles for the Food Safety Services
34.    Control and Eradication of Rabies and Class. Swine Fever (service) / policy & harmonization
35.    Control and Eradication of Rabies in Montenegro (supply)
36.    Control and Eradication of Classical Swine Fever in Montenegro (supply)

IPA 2007
37.    Animal identification and registration (I&R) - Phase II (service) / policy & harmonization
38.    Printed products (supply)
39.    Hardware (supply)
40.    Equipment for the Animal identification system for small ruminants, Software
41.    Ear tags for Animal Identification and Registration - Phase II (supply)
42.    TA for the Evaluation of "Dev. of Food Safety Services" and "Control of Rabies and CSF " (FWC)
43.    TA to the Food safety authorities of MNE for the preparation of ToR for IPA 2008 TA project (FWC)
44.    Preparation of ToR for IPA 2008 project: Control and eradication of rabies and CSF in MNE (FWC)
45.    TA to the Fishery administration of MNE for the preparation of ToR for the TA IPA 2009 (FWC)

CARDS 2006
46.    Supply of Vehicles for the Animal Identification unit (supply)
47.    Supply of the Ear Tags & Pliers and Printed Products for an EU compliant I&R system, Lot 1
48.    Supply of the Ear Tags & Pliers and Printed Products for an EU compliant I&R system, Lot 2
49.    Programming and upgrading of rural development in Montenegro (FWC)
50.    Development of the Food Safety services in Montenegro (FWC) / policy & harmonization

CARDS 2005
51.    Rehabilitation of Food Safety Laboratories, Podgorica (works)
52.    Development and Implementation of an Animal Identification System (service)
53.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 1
54.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 2
55.    Supply of the Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 3
56.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 4
57.    Supply of Equipment for an EU compliant Animal Identification System, Lot 5
58.    Audit & Valuation of EAR Counterpart Funds 2006 (FWC)
59.    Legal Advice to the EAR on recovery related to "Modernization of Equip. in the Dairy Sector" project
60.    Animal Identification and Registration (I&R) - Phase II (FWC) / strategy, policy & harmonization
61.    Development of the Food Safety Services in Montenegro (FWC) policy & harmonization
62.    Strengthening of the Fishery Sector in SCG (FWC) / strategy, policy & harmonization
63.    Support to the Fishery Sector (service)
64.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 1 (supply)
65.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 2 (supply)
66.    Supply of Equipment for Fishery Inspectorates in Montenegro and Serbia, Lot3 (supply)
67.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 4 and Lot 6 (supply)
68.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 5 (supply)
69.    Equipment for Fishery & Fishery Products Control, Lot 7 (supply)

CARDS 2004
70.    Equipment for Secondary Vocational School, Lots 3 & 4 (supply)
71.    Equipment for Secondary Vocational School, Lots 5, 6 & 7 (supply)
72.    Strategy of development of the MNE Agriculture and Rural areas in compliance with CAP of EU
73.    Audit and Valuation of EAR counterpart funds 2005 - Montenegro (FWC)

CARDS 2003
74.    Strengthening of Veterinary and Phytosanitary Services TA (service) / policy & harmonization
75.    Supply of Phytosanitary equipment to Plant Protection Department (supply)
76.    Construction of Veterinary Laboratory Building, Podgorica (works)
77.    Supply of Equipment to the Phytosanitary Inspectorate of Montenegro (supply)
78.    Equipment & Vehicles to the Phytosanitary Inspectorate, Lot 2 (supply)
79.    Supply of Vehicles for the Veterinary Services (supply)
80.    Equipment & Vehicles to the Phytosanitary Inspectorate, Lot 4 (supply)
81.    Supply of IT Equipment for the Veterinary services (supply)
82.    Monitoring of Dairy Sector Projects (FWC) / Monitoring of the Revolving fund

83.    Kolasin - Katun Project (works)
84.    Kolasin - Cabins Furnishing for the Katun Project (supply)
85.    Strengthening of the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Services (FWC) / policy & harmonization

86.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector (service) / Establishment of the Revolving fund
87.    Supply of Equipment to Dairy Enterprises (Lot 2,3,4) (supply)
88.    Supply of Equipment to Dairy Farmers - Lot 1 &3 (supply)
89.    Supply of Equipment to Dairy Farmers - Lot 2 (supply)
90.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 1 (supply)
91.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 2 (supply)
92.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 3 (supply)
93.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 4 (supply)
94.    Modernization of Equipment in Dairy Sector - Lot 5 & 6 (supply)
95.    Monitoring of Dairy Sector Projects (FWC) / Monitoring of the Revolving fund
96.    Water Catchments (works)
97.    Sketch Project for the new dairy plant Podgorica (FWC)
98.    TA Livestock Expert (FWC)

99.    Cattle import (follow up, ex post evaluation) / Monitoring and Evaluation of the Revolving fund



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